Your Digital Transformation Partner
e-signatures, ScanTime
and more!

Go paperless easily
with SignTime

Do you still use paper templates?

Application form, order form, and invoice

Service Agreement
Liability Waiver

Attendance records and internal approvals

Previously, with paper contracts...

  • The contract must be printed and bound, redone if there are any mistakes, and mailed after it is stamped or signed.
  • Printing, postage, revenue stamps, and storage costs.
  • Physical searching of records in a secure, off-site document storage facility.

SignTime solves this!

SignTime e-signatures let you send and sign contracts electronically.

SignTime prides ourselves in the one minute (or less) document to contract process, from anywhere in the world.

Upload documents in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. They don't have to be in pdf format.

No registration is required for signatories and your contracts are securely locked in the cloud.


Three reasons why SignTime is the easiest e-signature service for electronic contracts.

Easy-to-use design focused on non-technical users
Set up a signature box on a contract with a simple drag and drop operation. If you want to get fancy, you can also change the size and font
It's easy for the signer as well--just click on the email you receive and fill out the form
Packed with Features
We develop new features based on customer feedback and as of 2022 have had over 300 releases
Some of the SignTime features include document tagging, file attachment (e.g, a proof of identification to a contract) , seal (hanko) image upload, handwritten signatures, csv upload, database integration, bulk sending, Stripe integration and more
Versatile and cost effective plans
SignTime recognizes that even small businesses may need as many as ten e-signatures per month
We also offer customized packages for larger businesses who are sending thousands of documents per month

How to Use

SignTime e-signatures offers more than just electronic contracts. Any approval that you need to keep on file, whether order forms, waivers, contracts and employment agreements can be signed with SignTime.

  • e-signatures

  • Templates

  • Expiration date

  • Search

  • Bulk Sending


  • Attached File

  • Tagging (better than folders!)

Additional Features!

Price Plans

We have released ScanTime in December 2022 to comply with the Electronic Bookkeeping Law.
Digitalizing paper contracts is available.

  • Unlimited Users
  • E-Signature Documents
  • ScanTime Storage Unlimited timestamps included


Basic e-signature plan, perfect for those getting started with e-signatures


$936.00 billed annually ($1,029.60 tax included)


($94.60 tax included)

  • Unlimited Users

  • E-Signature Documents

    50per month
  • ScanTime Storage
    Unlimited timestamps included


Electronic storage for scanned documents compliant with Japan regulation “Scanner Hozon”


$1,068.00 billed annually ($1174.80 tax included)


($107.80 tax included)

  • Unlimited Users

  • E-Signature Documents

  • ScanTime Storage
    Unlimited timestamps included

    5,000 total


Customized branding using your company’s domain, combining SignTime and ScanTime services


Please contact us

  • Unlimited Users

  • E-Signature Documents

    50per month
  • ScanTime Storage
    Unlimited timestamps included

  • *Contract period: 1 year (automatic renewals on a yearly basis)
  • *Read more details in our Terms of Service.
  • *Additional documents for the month can be purchased for $2.00 per document.

see more about plans

Pay annually for one month free!

Free Plan

Time Limits? We don't need no stinkin' time limits!

10 documents


Do signatories also need a SignTime account?

No. While we welcome additional e-signature business, signatories do not need to register as SignTime users to sign.

Is there a retention period or separate cost for documents that are stored?

Retention period? We don't need no stinkin' retention period! Seriously though, SignTime keeps all of the documents signed in our cloud storage for no additional cost.

What happens if I exceed the 10 contracts in the "Free Plan"?

We will courteously notify you that you have used up the free plan, and remind you that you, as a unique individual and/or company have the opportunity to move beyond your current boundaries to the plans known as "paid".

Is there a minimum usage period?

Minimum usage period is 1 year for all plans.

What are the payment methods?

Believe it or not, we take [drum roll please] CREDIT CARDS. And occasionally bank transfers, if you're in a non-standard sort of situation. But not cash, and while we are crypto friendly (have a look at our 'save e-signature hash to Polygon PR), we don't take crypto until our friends at Stripe Japan do.

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